Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Planetside - Were in trouble

Duration: 04:43 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-01 18:24:38
User: fenrisul
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You guessed it.

Meatwad262 ::: Favorites
That song sucks. I'm about to shoot myself right now. Black ops are cool though.
07-08-25 00:44:31
tsuyokai ::: Favorites
To all you idiots that were going off on this vid, all this was, was stuff about the 4th empire that came along during the recent fan faire event. That's it. It was an "on the fly" thing, so textures wont be perfect. The video quality of this doesn't do it much justice either, no need to start cussing and swearing over a minor thing.. jesus.
07-08-19 10:12:38
GreatOne1298 ::: Favorites
planetside for the win
07-08-06 20:18:07
TIMMAAHHrabbit ::: Favorites
i dunno what else to say, other than to simply say F= you
07-08-06 17:56:35
DeBatzMan ::: Favorites
Who gives a flying fuck if the little retard can go into everysingle file thats in the planetside folder and open em up. Anyone without a fucking life could do that. The fact is, he is a little angry girl who tried to hack the planetside game, got busted and now he is gonna cry about it and try to hurt SOE. All he can do is buzz around till they swat his ass, oh wait they already did. Wanna be hack, go back to your hole and code yourself a life.
07-08-05 21:42:53
kildya ::: Favorites
its not fake check the planetside forums the fan faire people got be them and they were vs....only they could use the new aircraft...secant rules
07-08-05 00:06:36
ESXO2 ::: Favorites
Check out the screen shots taken during the fan faire event on the official forums. Notice the shitty textures and over lapping emblems? Fuckin tards.
07-08-05 00:05:22
NoXousX ::: Favorites
I lol'ed
07-08-04 16:12:50
TIMMAAHHrabbit ::: Favorites
ha. you guys are fucken SOE tools. wait until the fucken 4th empire comes out. it aint gonna be much different than what you see here. just fucken wait.
07-08-04 13:32:22
Custador ::: Favorites
Crappy fake animation by a crappy fake player who already got slapped down hard with the ban-stick. Woop de fuckin' skip.
07-08-04 10:51:10

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