Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Banda Pesada

Duration: 03:37 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-19 21:37:41
User: Tonymontana2424
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el pendejo del sebas grabo a la banda PEsadaaa!.. coruqUiÑi en la guitarra(esta bien vergas)..pItoor en la bateriaa(este tambien)..el MikApriEto en el tecladoO(esto no)..doOn CeegatOn cantando(me izo llorar).. aa..y el pendejo qUue graBOo llamAdo ebrio, pedorro, esteban..etc!

Tonymontana2424 ::: Favorites
putooos todos
07-09-01 11:59:54
esefecs ::: Favorites
pinches envidiosos =C
07-07-03 15:04:34
Serchstor ::: Favorites
sta todo pendejo el que posteo este video, todos los demas ta bien
07-03-30 20:57:05
sebamod ::: Favorites
07-02-09 23:21:40
leaksy ::: Favorites
amm putos
07-01-22 22:38:23
esefecs ::: Favorites
jajajajajaajajaj ta perronn
07-01-22 21:01:29
sexbas24 ::: Favorites
rebequita rules
07-01-21 00:04:45
Lestath ::: Favorites
o0laa!!!! aqi les abla don CegaTo0n jaja el q canta jeje soi el mas perron gracias gracias de nada de nada i q no se qejen los otros pendejeteS!!!
07-01-21 00:03:23
sexbas24 ::: Favorites
gracias gracias
07-01-20 17:17:19

Unchained Melody-Ghost trailer

Duration: 04:44 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-23 01:49:31
User: luisarmandodiazfelix
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Un clasico de Clasicos del Pop tema de una gran pelicula, disponible en cualquier Wallmart o Blockbuster UNCHAINDED MELODY Oh, my love, my darling, I've hungered for your touch a long, lonely time, Time goes by so slowly and time can do so much. Are you still mine? I need your love, I need your love, God speed your love to me. Lonely rivers flow to the sea, to the sea To the open arms of the sea Lonely rivers sigh, 'Wait for me, wait for me' 'I'll be coming home, wait for me!' Are you still mine? I need your love, I need your love, God speed your love to me

dimpledsmiles ::: Favorites
Timeless love..!
07-09-09 09:27:41
benjamingaeilge ::: Favorites
Is breá liom an amhrán seo!
07-09-07 08:22:40
SofiaShower92 ::: Favorites
he is sooo handsome!!! :P Patrick Swayze, loved him when I first saw Dirty i don't love him, but he is just great!!!
07-09-04 16:10:21
aspirino3 ::: Favorites
Precioso tema y muy bella pelicula muy espiritual y en fin linda
07-09-01 16:40:56
sheccid835 ::: Favorites
Dios te llamo en el momento que el creyo nesesario que estubieras a su lado. Hoy en medio de esta tristeza, de este vacio que dejas en mí. solo dire. Nunca, nunca te olvidare. Porque La vida no es vida si tu me faltas porque no puedo ver el mundo sin tus ojos ni respirar el aire sin tu aroma ni besar la felicidad sin tus labios la vida no es vida si tu me faltas y tu falta me aleja de la vida Diciembre 2, 2004 Junio 3, 2007
07-08-26 07:49:40
JDLK2005 ::: Favorites
It would be funny if the clay ended up looking like a big cock Sorry but it would
07-08-22 08:26:46
jalpon ::: Favorites
07-08-21 11:12:11
hexehh ::: Favorites
Unchained Melody-Ghost trailer
07-08-21 09:11:21
peralesjeanclaude ::: Favorites
Une belle preuve d'Amour.C'est beau♥♥.
07-08-12 17:23:10
newgm49 ::: Favorites
Somente um grande amor merece uma grande obra.Lindo!!!!
07-08-10 14:24:13

Death to The Horde Part 1

Duration: 02:41 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-23 17:33:50
User: WoWzersworld
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A determined group of Alliance go off in search of fame and glory: The result? Horde butt gets kicked big time.

Daicon86 ::: Favorites
Wow this video sucks. Do us a favor and never upload again. you cant even control your character!
07-09-12 12:19:07
pghbc ::: Favorites
*golf clap* you made it half way up that tower.....
07-09-01 00:50:07
WoWzersworld ::: Favorites
uh, thanks?
07-08-31 00:33:13
quakken ::: Favorites
Congratulations! laggy and terrible to watch, and killing npc's takes no talent, espectially low level ones! terrible video.
07-08-30 19:13:57
McGoo12 ::: Favorites
pretty weak raiding spot but whatever, that's normal for alliance.
07-08-29 12:36:48
sup1345 ::: Favorites
then level to 70, kill the 16's an murder thier 70 friends, thats real pvp, and when you're done, /dance on thier corpses, post that vid and i'll congratulate you myself
07-08-28 19:35:00
WoWzersworld ::: Favorites
just so you know, the Death to The Horde series is outdated, I'm a lvl 50 now and have a lot better armor. so if you think I'm a n00b go stuff it
07-08-28 12:52:43
WoWzersworld ::: Favorites
I just raided Tarren Mill last night. Terrible. Nobody showed up, just a bunch of lvl 28s staring at the dead bodies of guards. talk about a change of scenery :)
07-08-28 10:35:53
WoWzersworld ::: Favorites
I own at BGs, and the "real players" that you speak of are lvl 16s who are at least smart enough to not PvP and then they call the 70s and try to anhilate us. so... yeah, that's why I don't kill real people.
07-08-28 10:35:01
WoWzersworld ::: Favorites
and as do you
07-08-28 10:33:58


Duration: 08:45 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-10 23:52:43
User: RabidAp3
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unixaaron ::: Favorites
You guys gotta wake up. RELIGION IS A SCAM. (god maybe too). Not all religious people are evil. But ALL evil people are religous. belifes don't freaking matter. guns, life and health, freedom. get informed. C F R . O R G
07-09-12 12:08:14
tjohooorider ::: Favorites
Re: Fucktard Sheepwshotguns, the fucktard video is on the end of this........ watch?v=ckODHCVISVw
07-09-12 11:18:38
DickJohnson3434 ::: Favorites
This is the first time I've been thoroughly pissed on youtube.
07-09-12 08:15:21
sadetec ::: Favorites
Creationists abusing copyright laws to silence fair comment is something which might make an interesting 'inside pages' story for one of the national newspapers. It won't get the account back, but it might publicised the case to wider audience, potentially bringing some free advice and support from sympathetic parties and organisations.
07-09-12 07:05:47
cade27 ::: Favorites
Youtube give the account back!
07-09-12 05:26:10
sheepwshotguns ::: Favorites
any way we can get that cartoon kent hovind tribute video back?
07-09-12 04:30:30
StormTrek ::: Favorites
"4. Present info. to Youtube to get accounts reinstated" Those vids an accounts present a financial liability for YouTube if they reinstate. That means this is a civil matter between CRE and whoever got their vids or accounts deleted. YouTube washed their hands of liability by "permanently" removing the accounts and vids.
07-09-12 02:50:26
phenixwryter ::: Favorites
It was a huge mistake on their part to screw around with an intelligent person. Well done, sherlock! Glad to see you're back!
07-09-12 02:19:06
dechha1981 ::: Favorites
Funny thing; normally, when I'm that pissed off, which is rare, I tend to say and do things Ilater look back and regret. However, after looking back at "my most scathing video ever' I still maintain every single word. When I made it I thought it might've been the Muslims but I wasn't sure. Turned out to be the Young bearth creationists. the only thing I regret saying is that Hovind worships a demon, for which I apologise to Satanists.
07-09-12 00:50:00
Aposeph ::: Favorites
07-09-12 00:07:45

Tour Mexico City

Duration: 02:09 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-14 19:14:46
User: Ash1210
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Tour one of the biggest cities in the world, Mexico city. Music by Antonio Vivaldi - The Four Seasons (Winter) Sources: Nicola Okin Frioli Google Search C.O. Ruiz

jorch54 ::: Favorites
que chido es mi pais ¡¡viva mexico!! un mensaje para el puto el fifi20 hijo de la chingada no me interesa de donde putas seas no se si del basurero o no se me lave gorro no se quien te invito aver el video si no te gusta vete a joder a alguien mas que no sea mexicano mejor chinga a tu rabo puto !!
07-09-10 22:53:54
formulauno72 ::: Favorites
Viva Mexico y al que no le guste que no lo vea!!
07-09-10 16:53:17
elfifi20 ::: Favorites
jente mas horrenda no he visto en mi vida, y aparte rateros criminales de mierda, mexicanos indios horrendos acomplejados xenofobos mediocres, les encanta la mierda indios come tacos de chipotle. jajajajaja
07-09-10 01:39:26
shinobibeaver ::: Favorites
pobre pendejo, guey matate, hazle un favor al mundo, y eliminate, no necesitamos gente tan estupida como tu enserio
07-09-09 21:53:26
chcoLVR ::: Favorites
que bonita la ciudad de mexico, claro que tiene sus problemas como cualquier otra gran ciudad, en todos lados ay pobreza hasta en paises desarollados, hasi que ya no difan tonterias todos los centro americanos envidiosos, solo por que nuestra ciudad capital es la mas moderna de america latina, y la mas importante, y las mas grande zona metropolitana del mundo.
07-09-08 21:45:11
chipochi ::: Favorites
jejej no ammes si me molesto lo ke dijo es puto edgreen30 es un ijo de puta ke no conose este pais de ke pais es? de lso pinches paises jodidos de centro y sudamerica ai si tan jodiso pinche wey VIVA MEXICO EL PAIS MAS HERMOOSO DEL MUNDO
07-09-08 19:12:10
chipochi ::: Favorites
hey le onda pues xido la ciudad d emexico deve ser xido aver si luego vi a visitar a la iuadad mas grande del mundo mexico pues yo vivo aca en el norte del pais en monterrey supuesta mente la mejor ciuadad de america latina y si esta xido x aca viva mexico
07-09-08 19:03:56
sigft25 ::: Favorites
Exacto. Basta de los V. Guerrero, Sta Anna, Benito Juarez, Huerta, la Carranclana, el turco y su PRI, y de toda la demas porqueria que ha arruinado al pais
07-09-06 18:18:07
RodolfoPichardoM ::: Favorites
MARCELITO, ALTO AL ROBO DE PROPIEDADES (expropiaciones) atraves de tus voraz dependencia el invi que se ha convertido en la pus de tu corrupto gobierno. Prometiendo a ilusos que les van a regalar casa, que no pagen renta, atraves de las asambleas de barrios. Generando para ti dinero, influencia, atraves de la necesidad de la gente! arq. adrian cervantes exfuncionario del invi de riqueza "inexplicable" BTW MARCELITO JAMAS LLEGARAS A SER PRESIDENTE POR LADRON, TRAIDOR Y COBARDE!
07-09-05 21:40:37
CERVANTEZ99 ::: Favorites
te apoyo al 100%como se nota que paises de centro y sudamerica no tienen nada mejor que hacer que venir a ver videos de la capital de mexico ...que obiamente esta muy por encima de cualquier otra al igual que el resto del pais y como decian cierto que mexico tiene mas patrimonios humanitarios que cualquir otro lugar y hay quienes dicen que todo mexico deberia ser una zona arqueologica
07-09-05 17:05:07

coheed and cambria

Duration: 05:25 minutes
Upload Time: 05-10-08 04:33:16
User: iceonfire
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coheed and cambria

07-09-07 03:36:03
Apokalypze2112 ::: Favorites
in hopes that i wont be afraid, again!
07-09-02 13:04:21
grizzal ::: Favorites
Wish you werent sucd an idiot.
07-08-28 16:30:01
crabgina ::: Favorites
Where did you get information that Mic and Josh were/are addicted to heroin? I've just heard rumors.
07-08-21 12:11:40
rebeldarkness ::: Favorites
yeah, seems pretty crazy, but like, while Claudio was kind of crazy with his guitar, Jimi Hendrix has done much more stuff with his regarding making love to it, lol
07-08-19 14:44:33
DECone ::: Favorites
yeah he did get a little hump action in there..the crowd was nuts..haha
07-07-29 16:26:29
GodsentHellraiser ::: Favorites
Wow... First time I've seen Claudio LITTERALY make love to his guitar...
07-07-28 16:53:06
coheed2179 ::: Favorites
Coheed kicks some Major ass
07-07-27 16:52:44
Hockeyandguitar ::: Favorites
ok guys dont freak out, iceonfire is wrong. Coheed did not break up. The Prize Fighter inferno is a side project that Claudio is doing, the same with Travis and The English Panther. Mic and Josh did have drug problems, but Mic straightened up and so he is back. Coheed's new album "Good Apollo im burning star IV volume II 'No World For Tommorow'"comes out October 23 '07
07-07-26 13:38:34
Pattehmo ::: Favorites
I got this information while playing a show with Countess of Persia Josh eppards cousin is in the band and he proved the ywere cousins by pictures, his phone number and tons of info
07-07-16 23:48:26

Roxette Per Gessle & Marie Fredriksson

Duration: 05:30 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-24 05:08:08
User: bevispain
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video dedicated to the greatest swedish duo: Roxette. music: Breathe (Roxette) If you like this video, take a look at my other vids: Crazy about you silver blue wish you the best ( vid for Per) I wanna be with you (vid for Per) Beautiful Things I want you Paint Love doesn live here Fading like a flower The rain

nakas05stang ::: Favorites
Thanks for this very moving video!!! It brings out the best of Marie and Per!!! It's that reason why Roxette is so great!!!
07-09-12 05:31:30
chriss999uk ::: Favorites
Muy pero muy te imaginaras!
07-09-11 09:46:28
bevispain ::: Favorites
claro!! desde hace ya muchos años! por eso hago tantos videos sobre ellos.. jaja. Tu tambien supongo!
07-09-09 20:31:47
chriss999uk ::: Favorites
Muchisimas gracias! tambien?..
07-09-09 19:59:21
bevispain ::: Favorites
Hola! esta canción se llama Breath y estaba incluida en el EP del disco The Ballads Hits (ed.limitada) ;-)
07-09-04 19:41:27
chriss999uk ::: Favorites
Hola desde Londres..alguien me podria decir como se llama esta cancion?..thank you.
07-09-04 19:35:55
nakas05stang ::: Favorites
God I love her voice!!! before I even knew what she looked like!!! when I did!!! I was sold!!!
07-09-01 06:49:07
TwentyTwo1984 ::: Favorites
Me encanta encontrar gente aqui que guste de Roxette, ellos hacen musica maravillosa. Gracias x el trabajo de subir estas canciones.
07-08-23 12:20:29
acugna ::: Favorites
Hola !!! ...... ei gracias por el video y por tu tiempo ..... espero novedades amigo....te cuidas
07-08-08 23:35:28
wishmaster2k7 ::: Favorites
amazing video and she still looks good even now
07-08-06 12:41:10

Pete Wentz Fightin' Round The World

Duration: 00:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-26 04:05:06
User: aussiediva88
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This is intended as a joke...we are not bashing him nor are we singing properly! This is a parody of South Park's Russell Crowe Fightin' Around The World...starring Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy.

scottcal18 ::: Favorites
you pair of twats you have ruined the russel crowe 1 ya testicles!! when has the faggot had a fight anyway il say it on behalf of russel YOU DONT RUINE RUSSEL CROWES POETTRY YA TESTICLES!!!!!!
07-09-07 11:32:48
ariellesweetperky ::: Favorites
check out CAMAZONDATING dot COM for hot adult dating webcams
07-08-26 19:57:50
ColdArmy001 ::: Favorites
07-08-22 12:43:45
andiellio ::: Favorites
you stupid fuck get a fuckin grip idiot
07-07-31 12:30:08
NsiKFh8 ::: Favorites
My god this sucks. You have taken a perfectly good South Park clip and made it look like crap. Your singing sucks and the images are really crappy and also the sound is all wrong. Stop embarrassing yourself.
07-07-29 09:25:53
OstrichEmperor ::: Favorites
Dont' disgrace the original Russel Crowe clip from South Park!It might be one of the best of all time from the show!Disgusting.
07-07-24 22:43:48
wentzworshipper2 ::: Favorites
don't make fun of pete he's so awesome that i can't describe his greatness with words :D
07-07-22 18:40:50
LFCkillers4life ::: Favorites
07-07-20 10:10:32
duhitsmichelle ::: Favorites
this was stupid.
07-07-18 18:56:26
xtermin8r101 ::: Favorites
extremely poorly done. waste of time. garbage. -fall out boy also sucks complete sphincter
07-07-10 19:44:09

Rock 'n' Sock Connection Moments #1 (Part 1)

Duration: 10:58 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-22 07:10:42
User: moonentertainment
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Undertaker and Big Show vs The Rock and Mankind in Buried Alive Tag Team Match (Smackdown 9.9.1999). This is part 1.

AarFlood14 ::: Favorites
The Rock's gimmick was just a fan favourite. He called himself, and his moves, electrifying, because his moves excited the fans. He was mostly just a fan favourite with tons of talent and charisma.
07-09-10 17:37:20
italianoheat ::: Favorites
i dare someone to respond this comment and explain me the rock's gimmick in details.
07-09-09 11:21:01
travisrashawn216 ::: Favorites
The Final Rising of Dead!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-09-05 17:59:43
Ministrytaker666 ::: Favorites
i wish the rock had never left the WWE
07-08-30 22:31:59
TubeYou40 ::: Favorites
big show looks like a fat triple h
07-08-29 12:21:19
BoykindJack ::: Favorites
lol me too I was one of the dozens and deozens of Mankind fans, as well as one of the millions...and millions of Rock's fans, back then WWF made Monday and Thursday the best nights of the week forget Friday and Saturday, even Sunday Night Heat was pretty good then as well.
07-08-20 16:30:01
BoykindJack ::: Favorites
I agree, it seems to be getting a better, not attitude better, but things cant always be the same as the attitude era.
07-08-20 16:24:34
Jetslam ::: Favorites
5 stars by the way!
07-08-17 22:49:56
Jetslam ::: Favorites
I just got interested in wrestling this in August of 2006. So I've liked it for exactly 1 year.
07-08-17 22:09:17
youngtrevinski09 ::: Favorites
the wwe is slowly getting better though, give it a few months
07-08-16 17:18:31


Duration: 05:34 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-13 23:03:01
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hahaha just watch

pomchels ::: Favorites
aha word man
07-08-21 01:31:53
ChrissypooSillikins ::: Favorites
07-08-15 17:51:45
lukea31 ::: Favorites
useless... look up louis CK
07-08-15 17:45:38
6YumYum9 ::: Favorites
haha i wouldn't like to be skinny... but i am fat :/ as u can see in m video -_- Better don't watch.. lol cute boy, u r funny.
07-08-01 13:56:20
penelopehotgirlwl ::: Favorites
check out DAYFLING dot COM and sign up for free to find a date
07-07-24 06:02:42
lesmcluffalot ::: Favorites
Nut Butter
07-07-12 21:34:01
horreporre ::: Favorites
This fellow is right. He talks like a nigger
07-07-09 00:32:11
krio101 ::: Favorites
lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol u make fucken good points for real lol
07-06-25 03:02:59
SuicidalThoughts420 ::: Favorites
this shit is sooo true lmao
07-06-11 13:29:30
karesara ::: Favorites
you are so fucking funny. could not stop laughing
07-05-30 23:00:39

NBA Katrina Charity game highlights

Duration: 02:21 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-02 01:37:46
User: Chioster
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basketball in houston

JAMISONS ::: Favorites
Better then the Allstar game
07-07-29 18:15:44
kostasvc15 ::: Favorites
Why Vince Carter wasnt there?
07-07-21 08:33:06
Luckyahg ::: Favorites
u can likc a sack u homo. u dont know skills when u see it. just like he said too, vince dunked too hard a couple times during an all-star game n missed. its coo, ur wack, go lick a sack
07-05-27 14:00:34
GoGetter18 ::: Favorites
Nice Dunk by Tmac from Kobe Did u see Vince dunking during all star ? just check my video
07-05-21 15:30:14
Roms5 ::: Favorites
T-mac was going off in that video with some tight dunks...except for the one he tried to dunk too hard.
07-05-20 15:57:18
dsballer37 ::: Favorites
He just dunked too hard. Vince Carter did that last year twice at the All Star game, and he's a great dunker.
07-02-13 19:45:16
dezzybuck ::: Favorites
nigga get off my dickkk ass licker
06-12-21 07:24:18
anchormanbelow ::: Favorites
you a fukin bitch dezzybuck
06-12-20 23:04:21
dezzybuck ::: Favorites
fukk u suckk my dickkk t mac is wack how u missed a dunk like that
06-12-14 18:37:33
HenrySegura ::: Favorites
tmac can shoot the three and by the way the second last tmac dunk wouldve been awesome if kobe launched it higher but neways good game
06-10-29 22:02:54

How to Get Featured

Duration: 00:50 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-05 21:13:07
User: jumperchu
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You want to know? Well don't ask me because I dont know. I don't know why I made this, I don't want to get featured. I mean I do, but not to become a celebrity, I just want lots of people to see my photos. Anyways, enjoy my stupid silly retarted faces and my Michal Jackson voice. Oh and i'm like really tall and my hair grew out a lot since my last video.

vectrect ::: Favorites
guy or girl?
07-06-26 03:36:14
slipknot7maggot666 ::: Favorites
07-06-25 12:26:34
jumperchu ::: Favorites
i'm a dike
07-06-25 12:15:59
CELTICGAL ::: Favorites
u a dude or a dike
07-06-24 20:04:04
matheuscastromg ::: Favorites
you are a master suxxor...
07-06-22 17:55:28
jumperchu ::: Favorites
your videos suck.
07-06-22 10:56:08
hallamster ::: Favorites
ummm wat r u?
07-06-22 02:45:13
ipwnalln00bs ::: Favorites
i do =]
07-06-22 00:23:39
jumperchu ::: Favorites
OMFG go draw sticks and post them on your page.
07-06-22 00:21:55
ipwnalln00bs ::: Favorites
OMFG are u a guy ro a girl??
07-06-22 00:17:24

Massugu ni Ikou - Anime Sub Parody - Episode 2 [ 1 / 3 ]

Duration: 07:35 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-16 01:28:31
User: theproz
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This is the 2nd episode of the subtitle parody of a lame dog anime. This makes it a hella lot better. Watch the first episode to get all of the jokes. This is some seriously sick stuff but I can't stop laughing when I watch it. This was done a couple years ago by a group called Sub-par. They only sub parodied the first 2 of the 4 episode series. It is too bad because I'd love to have seen the other 2 subbed. So watch it and if you like, tell your friends. Maybe if we rise up to get enough fans we'll see more of this.

JackHyaku ::: Favorites
There's wolfs rain -._-. and it doesnt matter if its gay or not.Anime is anime -_-.
07-09-02 21:30:46
xOsasukeuchihaOx ::: Favorites
wat the frikkin hell is this? ive never seen a gayer looking anime
07-08-12 23:43:35
wolfsrain66 ::: Favorites
Lol this dog anime is SO gay! You gise wanna watch a violent REAL dog anime? Watch ginga nagareboshi gin, or ginga densetsu weed.
07-07-30 19:32:51
RobeonMew ::: Favorites
woah! so butchered! very awesome!
07-07-25 20:20:56
RedLadyBug ::: Favorites
Ok i have watched 1 full episode and im sorry but it kinda sucks
07-07-19 11:52:50
BeefTurkey ::: Favorites
Now that was funny.
07-06-17 11:07:55
TheDemonWolff ::: Favorites
They made a bleach sub parody too, it's better than this.
07-05-01 07:28:32
wyldehyena ::: Favorites
07-04-24 21:07:48
Jessicat62114 ::: Favorites
Hanako gets rabies and dies? Wtf???
07-04-09 23:49:12
runethe1st ::: Favorites
XD naruto wannabes!
07-03-31 14:18:09

School Argument Leads To Outside Fight

Duration: 02:56 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-10 02:36:08
User: thelatinconnection2
:::: Favorites
:::: Top Videos of Day

Those crowds of 8th graders must have intimidated her.

baby13gurrl ::: Favorites
lmao. wtf was that? kickin n shit?
07-09-12 07:01:01
valma1208 ::: Favorites
fucking yanks.. tht wasnt a fight ya shud see a good old hard british fight
07-09-10 02:33:52
2short99 ::: Favorites
WTF that wuz not a fight!!! my fights wit my sister are better than that!!!
07-09-03 16:32:36
picagurl ::: Favorites
ppl really need to learn how to fight there own battels shyt man
07-08-28 23:32:17
chavofeshfesh ::: Favorites
those little girls don't even know how to fight...plizz grow up if you wanna fight.....
07-08-28 23:30:36
2w5tr ::: Favorites
A Multicultural Paradise!
07-08-28 23:18:17
mysteryboy45 ::: Favorites
double agreed
07-08-28 15:57:58
DymondRose ::: Favorites
That was sooooooo wack it aint even funny
07-08-25 16:49:02
blackrose6e ::: Favorites
also agreed
07-08-24 10:41:57
seandobbo ::: Favorites
shit fight... ive had better in my sleep n woken up with cuts n bruises n even a black eye lol
07-08-23 14:23:04