Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Very Annoying Hannah Montana Clip

Duration: 01:26 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-16 17:43:45
User: RavenandMileyRock
:::: Favorites

(Not including the intro,) this is a one minute clip of Miley, Get Your Gum that I think is REALLY annoying. So go watch it, once you see it, you'll agree with me! I swear that you will agree with me, so go watch! Go! Stop reading! Go! © 2007 Walt Disney Company

ElToroFan13 ::: Favorites
What's the song in the intro?
07-08-24 19:23:51
xoKarDanxo ::: Favorites
what is it saying?
07-08-21 11:39:15
ElToroFan13 ::: Favorites
Ha ha!! That's hilarious, as well as annoying!
07-08-20 18:58:53
toodle72 ::: Favorites
omg it wouldent shut up!
07-08-11 22:06:13
Liv4luv980 ::: Favorites
omg thats soo annoying!!!
07-08-09 21:42:40
huajaichumpoo ::: Favorites
i kind of got used to it. it wasn't annoying.
07-08-08 22:02:20
coleluver55 ::: Favorites
thank you thank you thank you omg sooooooo long it is sooooo annoying !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-08-08 20:18:43
Catman335 ::: Favorites
the intros annoying 2!
07-08-06 00:51:28
KyleLovesDDR ::: Favorites
thank u thank u thanku stink u skank u
07-08-02 14:53:04
ElementalWaterSprite ::: Favorites
NO THANK YOU! I am going to share a secret. If you have a slow computer that cant take 2 youtube videos playing at once, this will be harder. Open two of the same video, and try aligning the "play cursors" close together. You can also try at different parts. The possibilties of the combos are endless. But my favorite is where both videos line up and make it so it is almost perfectly at the same time. It is fun. Any music or funny clips work well to me.
07-07-28 21:54:48
klr1993 ::: Favorites
if i here 1 more thank you i swear i will be hurting some people
07-07-23 19:38:52
misskiley ::: Favorites
07-07-22 16:01:30
emheart27 ::: Favorites
th thank yous started at 40 seconds or something, i am at 41 seconds and i feel like my ears are bleeding!
07-07-22 09:55:44
corbinswifey18 ::: Favorites
funny and very annoying!!!!! I'm like "make it stop" and i'm still watching it!
07-07-20 13:49:11
BabyV96 ::: Favorites
I think Its funny and annoying at the same time lol
07-07-18 19:15:52
heeptopes ::: Favorites
07-07-18 18:46:15
xandra0bobandra ::: Favorites
ThANK u Thank u thank u thank u when will it end?!?
07-07-18 15:37:56
SaJeGi ::: Favorites
07-07-18 11:21:14
shagmeisterxmorgan ::: Favorites
07-07-17 18:51:18
Liv4luv980 ::: Favorites
omg lol how annoying :P
07-07-17 11:48:09

Bevis på att blattar är bollrädda

Duration: 00:4 minutes
Upload Time: 06-05-26 15:18:58
User: majko
:::: Favorites

Glé své

SDCripz ::: Favorites
skillnaden är att blattar smartare vrf för att vi kommer från länder som man har haft svårt att vara i och då får man för fan tänka mycket men fan titta på svenarna de tänker ju inte ens på ett skit
07-08-22 13:17:00
anwest ::: Favorites
Det är stor skillnad på en svensk och en blatte. En svensk är första klassens invånare medan en blatte kommer någonstans efter kackerlackan i jämförelse.
07-08-19 13:37:22
1990Ramin ::: Favorites
fattar inte hur du kan slänga såna ord bara för att människor har andra hår färger olika färg på hyn, det är fan skandal, men iof, om alla svenskar hatar invandare hade vi varit utvisade innan det hann bli 10% befolkning av invandring:) så det betyder att det är en sida av sverige som vägrar att utvisa oss, men du har ju så rätt o du är ju så bäst:) btw va är man om man har grönt eller rött hår, och är krit vit? vilket djur är man då ???:D
07-08-25 12:30:06
blakkmage ::: Favorites
Kolla in fjollan i blåa shorts och beigebrun tröja, den där blånegern. Vilken jävla fjolla!
07-08-15 08:22:10
zaheeeet ::: Favorites
laak båda e människor sheeet...
07-08-12 10:01:17
gottmospahedengubbar ::: Favorites
Att säga att blattar e bättre än svenskar på allt är väl rasistiskt? Och att säga att alla blattar e rädda för bollar bara för att den killen var d är väl inte helt rätt?
07-08-11 19:28:47
chevchenko89 ::: Favorites
om vi invandrare är sjuka ock dom svennar leker nåt, vem är du då? snälla tänk efter vad du skriver.
07-08-10 10:35:53
Berushan ::: Favorites
lak en sak svenskar och invandrare ni alla e sjuka i huvet fan -.- en säger vafan e du så kaxig bakom skärmen för vet inte vad lak mannen vågar du vara uppkäftig i verkligheten eller? -.- jävla idioter fan tänk efter innan ni skriver me era fingrar ,Peace out ;D
07-08-09 18:05:56
stoltgb ::: Favorites
Bara för att dom är betyder det inte att alla är
07-08-09 06:01:06
HallomCider ::: Favorites
men omg shit spela roll om man är blatte eller svenne. Båda är förfan människor.. shit ingen har fattat det än , hatar cp horbögar som jämför allt o alla.
07-08-01 13:42:06
chevchenko89 ::: Favorites
crafyer" snackar du med may
07-07-25 10:08:42
xKurdi1 ::: Favorites
tyst med er fularassar.. era facking grisnäsor..blattar e bättre än fula griasar på fotboll .. på allt..
07-07-25 10:04:56
crafyer ::: Favorites
Det är ju för fan du som är rasse och säger att "Blattar är bäst" alltså menar du att ni är bättre än oss på allting, men du verkar inte själv fatta att det du säger är rasistiskt.
07-07-22 01:10:42
nanosemasso ::: Favorites
om några år så kommer blattarna vara med i svenskalandslaget PUNKT SLUT vi är bättreb er svenskar jag menar inte bara araberna Syrianer Assyrier Turkar kurder och folk från slovakien Till exempel är inte Zlatan blatte eller ??!! haha tänk efter
07-07-12 13:27:02
hundmule ::: Favorites
turk på burk.
07-07-11 16:55:51
acmiilan ::: Favorites
Lack va sägeru, blattar är bäst i fotboll
07-07-09 17:22:02
chevchenko89 ::: Favorites
äckelnegrer? svin? din jävel! jävla kuksugare vad har han gjort dig, är du en rasse som hatar negrar eller
07-07-08 03:34:12
olasvensson ::: Favorites
Fan jag hatar äckelnegrer. Inavlade ADHD svin!
07-07-06 20:55:50
nanosemasso ::: Favorites
aa olasvensson vi vet att du är en äckleneger :) men vi respekterar dig trots att du liknar ett svin och det är synd att vi blattar inte är äckelnegrer som dig och du har otur för vi e hetaren dig det är synd om dig olasvennson men alla e olika värda Världen är orättvis och räcker inte till för sånna som dig :)
07-08-05 17:31:39
archetypesweden3 ::: Favorites
07-06-03 19:00:35

Darknut Fun

Duration: 02:31 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-26 21:04:15
User: Calculate900
:::: Favorites

The Laws of Physics have claimed yet another victim!

ResidentCactuar22 ::: Favorites
07-08-27 15:23:58
hannahxxmontana ::: Favorites
yea ur rite. thats a good idea!
07-08-24 09:24:03
zelda1996 ::: Favorites
this was pricesless! just, on the last one, add an explsion when he hits the bottom.
07-08-23 21:15:57
Calculate900 ::: Favorites
Will do. Later.
07-08-24 16:27:17
hannahxxmontana ::: Favorites
ive done enemy vs. enemy b4 in my game. but this is priceless!!!!
07-08-23 16:11:03
hannahxxmontana ::: Favorites
if the views go up very soon, thats thanks to me!!
07-08-23 14:13:06
hannahxxmontana ::: Favorites
howd u get so much money?? the slow versions were halarious!!! the darknut goes. aaw! and link goes AAAHHH!!!!
07-08-23 14:05:52
metaknight2550 ::: Favorites
LMAO You owned him XD Darknut: "Wah!" (let go of his sword) Link: (Takes the sword) "Waaaaaaaah!"
07-08-19 12:09:00
AerusalePhoxJr ::: Favorites
if you place a bomb he may jump over it
07-08-18 17:02:53
roxasthekeyoffate65 ::: Favorites
hilarious i laughed my ASS off when i heard the sound effects after the owned text.
07-08-17 08:28:27
hannahxxmontana ::: Favorites
07-08-23 14:06:09
sugarpoultry ::: Favorites
That was so funny! :D
07-08-16 13:33:55
lCharles445l ::: Favorites
Lol I knew that when you sneak up to a big pig guy and slice his butt he runs around crying, but I never knew about this! Nice finding!
07-08-15 13:40:49
GibboSpazz ::: Favorites
LOL! I hate Wind Waker, but man, that was gold.
07-08-14 03:10:56
hannahxxmontana ::: Favorites
how could u hate ANY ZELDA GAME??!!?!?1!?1!?1!??11?1!? NO ONE TALKS ABOUT ZELDA LIKE THAT!!! ( oww... sry..)
07-08-23 14:07:19
vgcat07 ::: Favorites
Poor Darknut...they must be blind or/and stupid.
07-08-12 02:52:13
DJXtreme2 ::: Favorites
i guess that explains the "nut part in their name.
07-08-10 13:58:03
CursedLink666 ::: Favorites
Lol, Owned!
07-08-09 01:58:23
PonchoX94 ::: Favorites
lol funny hahahaahahahahahha XD hahahaahahah
07-08-06 01:21:26
Calculate900 ::: Favorites
XD Great idea!
07-08-03 08:33:40

Miyazaki vs Eiga - kendo championship in 2000

Duration: 00:36 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-07 17:08:04
User: dodaichi85
:::: Favorites

Miyazaki and Eiga's shiai. 48th kendo championship final

Sanshin3 ::: Favorites
was this miyazaki fumihiro or miyazaki masahiro?
07-07-15 06:04:12
d7p2 ::: Favorites
lol heroofxanadus 1337 HAX z0mg pwnz0rz!
06-12-05 21:27:16
HeroOfXanadus ::: Favorites
06-10-02 22:24:38
heri0n ::: Favorites
haha nice comment
06-10-18 22:46:19
mcknife25 ::: Favorites
06-10-01 10:23:59
HeroOfXanadus ::: Favorites
wtf, i barely saw that lol that was bs...so fast...
06-09-30 11:23:50
dow555 ::: Favorites
I need to know more abot Naoki Eiga you guy can you tell me?
06-09-02 15:39:21
Sanshin3 ::: Favorites
hmmm... all i know is, that he became captain for japan in the last world championship because of this win against miyazaki... and he fought against kim (KOR) and won with a kata-tsuki
06-09-03 11:40:49
mezopotamier ::: Favorites
is a "kata-tsuki" the best hit?
07-01-08 20:02:57
AoiYukiAme3 ::: Favorites
my god its just so fast i barely caught who pulled off the strikes
06-08-11 03:33:59
Haiironoinu ::: Favorites
Ohhh...EIGA is so quick....great!
06-08-07 13:37:52

Budweiser commercial-Jaws

Duration: 01:02 minutes
Upload Time: 06-04-24 22:12:53
User: Aindrais
:::: Favorites

a funny commercial for budweiser featuring Jaws

iluvroyals2much ::: Favorites
LMAO, that was funny
07-08-13 22:36:31
Darrylb500 ::: Favorites
Jaws showing up is what cracked me up :)
07-07-01 21:41:06
Artigafreak ::: Favorites
06-07-21 21:17:25
leo8356875 ::: Favorites
06-07-10 13:44:52
leo8356875 ::: Favorites
O.o wazzzzuuuuup! kiny
06-07-09 19:29:05
kurocatclaw34 ::: Favorites
wazzup!! nice
06-07-04 17:28:03
hairyhand ::: Favorites
I love it! One of the few videos on this site I actually saved! Great going!
06-06-03 17:14:59
bagzie ::: Favorites
Cool! What software did you use to do the animations?
06-05-15 16:46:12
rockstarprincess1 ::: Favorites
06-05-14 10:28:42
ottawaoctane ::: Favorites
06-05-14 00:29:27
davedouble16 ::: Favorites
ha ha, very good
06-05-13 09:33:50
Geoffthe2nd ::: Favorites
06-05-11 22:21:40
ravenz311 ::: Favorites
06-05-07 16:31:15

Bleach Opening 5 "Rolling Star" - YUI SUBBED

Duration: 01:29 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-05 22:07:23
User: Spazblade
:::: Favorites

Bleach Opening 5 by YUI, eng subs

anImeyUefAn ::: Favorites
this is one of my fav.songs
07-05-13 17:22:35
gatx105strikegundam ::: Favorites
does anyone kno where i can dl this song?
07-04-08 16:09:22
AnimeWitch315 ::: Favorites
I got it off of limewire
07-04-10 03:35:40
ichigoxringo ::: Favorites
Whitey looks delicious. No wonder Matsumoto glomped him. NYA! HAWTT!!!
07-03-12 15:43:20
animeserena ::: Favorites
i agree*nods*
07-04-01 01:30:59
ichigoxringo ::: Favorites
07-04-01 21:04:07
animeserena ::: Favorites
howold r u?
07-04-02 17:28:22
maxxman125 ::: Favorites
stop asking kids for their ages perv
07-04-12 01:03:59
animeserena ::: Favorites
im not a perv. and by the way im only 13>.>
07-04-13 17:51:18
maxxman125 ::: Favorites
srry dude its jst fuckin creepy when i see that im 18 and a guy so im not some chick walking around with a whistle or some shit
07-04-20 19:52:25
AppleSweetRose ::: Favorites
One of my favourites!
07-03-10 02:01:43
animeserena ::: Favorites
toushirou is so kawaii^^
07-03-09 00:58:24
animeguy587 ::: Favorites
07-03-08 21:29:06
DragoonZX2 ::: Favorites
dang thuis is one alsome opening and music!! Rock on BLEACH!!!
07-03-04 20:45:58
funnyanimevideolover ::: Favorites
woot XD ichigo-kun wa totemo kawaii desu!
07-01-16 15:26:15
PanicATDD ::: Favorites
06-11-04 23:15:33
cacawarrior ::: Favorites
mmmm the whole song xD
06-11-01 22:31:31
animefansara ::: Favorites
its not EVEN RELEASED YET...or is it?
07-01-02 17:14:53
Spazblade ::: Favorites
True, the album has not been released yet, it comes out tomorrow, I'll post a link to it when it comes out.
07-01-16 17:56:31
tehaguiar ::: Favorites
Luv this op!:D
06-10-24 11:43:07

Grand Theft Auto IV (GTA 4) - First Trailer (HD rip)

Duration: 01:03 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-13 08:43:17
User: R2oor
:::: Favorites

First GTA4 trailer: "Things will be different". Release date: 30.03.2007 Ripped from 1280x720 resolution (wmv) Background Music : This is a segment from the "Koyaanisqatsi" movie featuring the Philip Glass composed track "Pruit Igoe". The first trailer of GTA IV features an edited version of the music, and a visualisation that is strangely familiar after watching the above mentioned movie. A quote from Wikipedia: "In the Hopi language, the word Koyaanisqatsi means 'life of moral corruption and turmoil, life out of balance', and the film implies that modern humanity is living in such a way." Seems fitting enough for both this piece of film and the game it (partially) inspired. Grand Theft Auto IV ----------------------------- The next installment of the series, Grand Theft Auto IV (GTA IV), is slated to be released on 16 October 2007, in North America, for the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360, the first Grand Theft Auto to be released simultaneously on the PlayStation and Xbox platforms. There is some degree of debate over the nature of exclusivity of episodic content now confirmed to be released for GTA4 sometime in 2008. Microsoft officially announced a strategic alliance with Rockstar Games over the rights to episodic content through their Xbox Live service at their X06 event. An announcement regarding the release of episodic content for the PS3 however is still expected, whilst fans speculate that each console will receive its own exclusive episodic content via their respective download services (Xbox Live for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation Network for the PlayStation. GTA IV's game engine will be the Rockstar Advanced Game Engine (a.k.a. RAGE) used in Rockstar Games presents Table Tennis. The game will once again take place in a redesigned Liberty City that very closely resembles New York City, more than previous renditions. Majors Characters: ----------------------------- Niko Bellic - He is from Eastern Europe. Niko is guilty of committing previous criminal acts in his life and wishes to escape his past and his home, where he has currently been having issues. He is persuaded by his cousin Roman to move to Liberty City where he lives the "American Dream" and Niko falls for the deception and arrives in Liberty City by boat. In the beginning Roman is the only person he knows in the entire city and must protect him from the many undesirables after their money. Roman Petronov - Niko Bellic's cousin who resides in Liberty City. Roman claims to be living the "American Dream" and that he has two women, four hot tubs and fifteen sports cars, but in reality owns a gritty taxi firm in the heart of the city. He successfully manages to persuade his cousin Niko to move to the city using his deception. Their relationship is strained and they are always bickering. Roman is also heavily in debt with various figures around the city. Elizabeta - female character in Grand Theft Auto IV. She is seen in promotional artwork for the game. GTA Series Brief -------------------------- Grand Theft Auto (GTA) is a video game series created and primarily developed by Scottish developer Rockstar North (formerly DMA Design), published by Rockstar Games and debuted in 1998. It includes eight stand-alone games and two expansion packs for the original, GTA: London 1969 and GTA: London 1961. Grand Theft Auto III and subsequent games in the series have been best-selling blockbusters which have also gained critical acclaim, including several Game of the Year awards from various sources. In addition, the series has emerged as being so popular and profitable that a long list of Hollywood stars have lent their voices to the games. Gangster film veterans such as Michael Madsen, Samuel L. Jackson, James Woods, Joe Pantoliano, Frank Vincent, Robert Loggia and Ray Liotta have all voiced major characters. The names of the series and its games are derived from "grand theft auto", a term referring to motor vehicle theft. Official Website ---------------------- http://www.gta4.com/

venge329 ::: Favorites
saints row proved that you can do MP so i guess rockstar would do it too since they help made the game... i think.
07-08-05 19:34:48
Menace061 ::: Favorites
no multiplayer but downloadable content for the xbox360 version(2 new missions they say so far)
07-07-25 00:00:32
Simseth ::: Favorites
If you would like a free PSP, iPod, Domains and much more for free, well go to my guide I made. w w w . f r e e w e b s . c o m / ezyrewardsguide (No Spaces!)
07-07-21 18:41:03
klutzsm58 ::: Favorites
wow, its beautiful. i dont think im ever going to go outside again. the wrold actually looks better on there.
07-07-14 00:49:42
badjab326 ::: Favorites
i heard there was multiplayer, but not mmo but things lookpromising
07-07-08 21:30:44
ALFAALFA45 ::: Favorites
just imagin what gta 5 would be lik (bonner)
07-07-07 17:16:31
R2oor ::: Favorites
WATCH DETAILS IN ->>> 'GTA4 Second Trailer Analysis' or check my profile
07-07-04 11:20:43
SiXFiGA350Z ::: Favorites
will there be any multiplayer online for a change?
07-06-29 13:42:51


Duration: 04:42 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-31 18:28:23
User: amomondo
:::: Favorites


siamofamosi10 ::: Favorites
con quello program questa video e stato fatto ? what is the name of the program for doing this video?
07-08-21 17:45:27
cladygd ::: Favorites
bella canzone ma forza juve x sempre
07-08-15 08:33:40
darkdestiny123 ::: Favorites
07-06-21 13:31:53
savannaPaffumi ::: Favorites
Oh yeah right
07-07-03 22:01:52
j1d2e3e4r5u6l7z8 ::: Favorites
now if you stared reading this dont stop its really scarey!ok send this to five other videos in 143 minutes.When you are done press F6 and your crushes name will apear on the screen in big letters this is weird because it does work.If you break this chance you wont have a crush in the next five years
07-05-03 13:46:05
domoerigato ::: Favorites
haahaaa haaaa goal goal goal goalgoalgoallllllllllllll
07-04-14 09:35:33
CHUCHU25641488 ::: Favorites
bella qusta ma forza milan x sempre
07-03-21 20:11:35

I Believe In A Thing Called Love

Duration: 02:51 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-20 09:59:28
User: chillilila
:::: Favorites

Oh this is such a tried and tested way of relieving bordom.

Cyanrast ::: Favorites
awesome 5/5
07-08-12 18:32:37
RoxasLightWithin ::: Favorites
Finally, I find another person with speed up I believe in a thing called love. This is better than mine though. Good job!
07-08-07 11:00:17
bullseye090 ::: Favorites
yes, I guess you have a point. I will just go and give somebody else a hard time.
06-08-10 09:29:07
bullseye090 ::: Favorites
Gimme a break, I'm not one of the local jerks
06-08-08 08:22:32
boobeebumfluff ::: Favorites
but yet you're quick to criticize. Its' no worse than what other people have put on YouTube. Give /her/ a break
06-08-09 13:45:57
bullseye090 ::: Favorites
Dance. The perfect way to pass your time. Yeah wright.
06-08-07 10:06:38
chillilila ::: Favorites
I'd like to see you do better - might want to learn to spell, too
06-08-07 10:37:28
bane226 ::: Favorites
Oh, burn...that was a good one. And I love the Jazz Hands at the end...:D
07-03-08 22:56:57
KimballFan ::: Favorites
very funny!
06-07-21 13:22:54
boobeebumfluff ::: Favorites
v. funny again your facial expressions are really funny!
06-07-20 10:53:51

Mischievous Princess 2 (part 2 of 5) SUBBED

Duration: 09:46 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-16 20:33:27
User: prplNEWT
:::: Favorites

well, I don't have much to say...

herohatori91 ::: Favorites
i love this drama!! thanks for the subs!! the king is soo smart!!
07-06-29 06:47:11
sandilovesyou ::: Favorites
aww her brother is so nice and Alec is so funny
07-06-22 00:48:49
kaligirl20 ::: Favorites
i'm so happy and thankyou alot for the subbed... thank you so much... omg just want to say thankyou alot again... keep on subbed..
07-05-15 18:34:04
pchoedon ::: Favorites
thank you soo much
07-05-08 18:07:44
belle125 ::: Favorites
jin er's brother is cute and she's cute too
07-04-19 00:16:19
katie0511 ::: Favorites
forget what other people say~!. subb version ROXX. thank you so much for posting this !!!
07-04-17 23:32:34
puglova ::: Favorites
thanks for the subbs...gosh i love her clothes!!!they're so prettyful!
07-03-30 23:07:50
petrickjorokgila ::: Favorites
thank u for the sub
07-03-13 05:09:40
Love2memore ::: Favorites
you must have worked hard, thank you, u're the gr8est!!!
06-11-14 16:13:01
movielover92 ::: Favorites
nara is soo pretty!!
06-07-24 19:00:25
irulez ::: Favorites
thnx for the sub version!!!
06-07-22 01:02:04
sweetexangel86 ::: Favorites
thnx for the subb version....pls keep it up...
06-07-19 16:49:25
mizzytay ::: Favorites
thank u thank u thank u thank u...a million times thank u!!! been waiting for the subbed version so i kuld understand!!! aahh!!... im so happy!! =]
06-07-16 23:25:20

Yellow - Coldplay Sims 2

Duration: 05:35 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-04 14:10:14
User: imadisaster
:::: Favorites

Not a depiction of the actual video. Symbolic interpretation of the song.

xGobbinsx ::: Favorites
Favourited xD xx
07-08-26 11:19:31
finalchaos06 ::: Favorites
nice vid it was beautifuly made
07-05-14 18:18:25
imadisaster ::: Favorites
thank you =)
07-05-14 18:23:03
AngelUsako ::: Favorites
kool vid^^ 5/5
07-04-02 22:20:59
IndieMadl ::: Favorites
aw! hell, that's great!
07-03-28 12:45:17
hinatakunn ::: Favorites
cool vid!
07-02-20 21:23:48
queenfire ::: Favorites
07-01-28 17:04:46
tromsofem ::: Favorites
Beautiful video, pretty song<3 Well done,disaster!
07-01-20 14:34:11
imadisaster ::: Favorites
thank you =]
07-01-20 15:17:26

2moons fan trailer

Duration: 04:36 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-06 10:10:59
User: Sonyboj
:::: Favorites

This is my fan "trailer" of sorts. All footage is from Dekaron.com. 2moons website: http://2moons.acclaim.com/index.htm Song is Dekaron-Choice of hero(instrumental) Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?9lzuygz1myb

aidantg123 ::: Favorites
were do u download this game
07-08-19 01:43:26
DoubleSteel ::: Favorites
let me guess... that glowing woman was trieste the white moon goddess right? then weres abaddon !?!?
07-08-14 18:31:54
joonhodrools ::: Favorites
lol abaddon.... probably doing trieste up the ass.. =O
07-08-18 00:59:50
DoubleSteel ::: Favorites
... that was the most idiotic thing i have heard...
07-08-18 05:50:33
joonhodrools ::: Favorites
have some sense of humor.. fucking uptight motherfucker.
07-08-18 23:46:34
DoubleSteel ::: Favorites
if thats wat u call sense of humor then im really srry for u but have hope some day theyll find the cure ...
07-08-19 03:07:18
joonhodrools ::: Favorites
lol cure.. maybe they will find one for uptight motherfuckers like you... oh wait.. i think the cure is to pull the stick that's so far up yer ass out... maybe that'll lighten you up..
07-08-19 19:34:19
DoubleSteel ::: Favorites
heh... u just keep giving me more reasons to think u have an extra chromosome...
07-08-20 01:56:03
joonhodrools ::: Favorites
and maybe you're missing one.
07-08-20 15:53:02
DoubleSteel ::: Favorites
i was right, u have and extra chromosome... how pityfull...
07-08-20 16:26:32
joonhodrools ::: Favorites
dude..... this vid RAWKKKKKS !! 1st comment =D
07-08-08 22:20:45
wolfmaster00 ::: Favorites
its not first comment if u have 10 comments before this 1
07-08-27 19:37:05
joonhodrools ::: Favorites
well those were after.. but somehow its up there.. lol
07-08-27 22:18:38