Sunday, April 13, 2008

Quati em Foz do Iguaçu / Racoon in Foz do Iguaçu

Duration: 00:8 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-09-26 09:55:56

Viagem para Foz do Iguaçu - Paraná - Brasil Dia 17 de setembro de 2006 Quati correndo em cima da minha sacola achando que tinha comida dentro dela. Trip to Foz do Iguaçu - Parana - Brazil September, 17 th, Brazil Racoon running toward my plastic bag. It was thinking it had food inside.


Britney spears "la reina del pop"("the queen of pop")

Duration: 04:45 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-07 12:33:11

Briteny Spears es la reina del pop,lo dice hasta la propia Amaia Montero jaja:P(espero que os guste,dejen comentario,gracias)


kiohitita  2008-04-05 06:55:10

pero si es Amaia!
evaspears  2008-03-07 19:52:20

muy xulo

Sims Making Out In Hot Tub

Duration: 00:40 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-12-01 20:43:46

My simmies wuv each other lots... in the hot tub! ;)


skier512  2008-02-22 12:19:59

who would waste time putting here!
kiminonara  2008-02-05 16:24:06

its sims or is it sims 2......
monky253  2008-01-18 15:00:52

wish i had a hot tub
KAG9  2007-12-18 11:33:08

u guys are idiots
yokie7  2007-11-17 07:43:12


Go mario!!!:D

Duration: 02:07 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-21 09:46:34

i was reallyy bored


azntype  2007-08-21 15:19:33

SoNotTotalyNowhere  2007-08-21 10:16:26

kuramalv122  2007-08-21 10:16:14

i left music on :P
kuramalv122  2007-08-21 09:50:56

lol xD

Halo 3 Mongoose Flying

Duration: 00:56 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-30 02:52:24

Mongoose flying/bob saget. i needed something to edit.


dopey41  2008-01-07 22:56:12

u get out!
jeffplant123  2008-01-02 14:34:59

Fewsandpiper  2007-12-30 19:31:32

ending was the best
jeffplant123  2007-12-30 12:51:53

Rupe44  2007-12-30 03:06:26

nope it was 2 people hitting with me with gravity hammers and somehow i flew

Walk Cycle (Learning) - Pencil Test

Duration: 00:11 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-13 09:46:37

Yet another attempt at creating an animated Walk Cycle running at 12fps (Re-encoded to 30fps for YouTube) and this time with the characteristics of a young child learning to walk with the aid of his mother. Originally I wasn't going to upload this video because I felt disappointed with the end result. Fortunately my family and friends convinced me otherwise so here you have it. This was a lot more challenging than my previous Walk Cycles. Started and completed in January 2007. Don't make me regret uploading this to YouTube! :)


KPWNINJA  2008-03-13 12:06:12

Thank you! :)
HouseOfGame  2008-01-14 13:41:14

Its to stiff is your problem I think, and you also need more squash and stretch when the baby steps down and comes back up. not bad though : )
sbigelow  2007-10-04 03:21:45

hmm..pretty far off i must say
KPWNINJA  2007-08-02 06:11:33

Yeah I did have quite some trouble animating this. Thanks for the comment! :)
Halacalaba  2007-07-31 19:00:16

I think the wobbling kind of works in this one because the baby is learning, however I think the legs need to move a bit more forward because i'm not getting the idea the child is actually moving.

Résumé - France Espagne

Duration: 02:10 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-06-28 13:15:50

Résumé du match France Espagne avec les commentaires officiels en français. Huitième de finale de la coupe du monde 2006 27 Juin 2006


matay609  2008-03-29 07:54:56

Il est géniaaal le môoome ! Rip thierry , tu va me manquer , je regarde encore cette video en frissonant ...
Krauzeure  2008-03-27 18:27:26

Juste magnifique, je le regarde encore aujourd'hui je tremble. Les commentaires passionnés sans être insultants, voila ce qui va nous manquer, des commentaires justes, enivrants et.. plein de vie :) Tu vas nous manquer thierry :(
Marioetbenji  2008-03-27 10:12:19

ribery qui va arriver devant casillas va y mon petit il est dedans il est dedans le 1er but de ribery avec lequipe de France il est geniale le mome tros bien les comentaire allez les bleus tu va nous manquer thierry on t'adore thierry on toubliera pas
pombalaya  2008-03-26 07:55:44

vas y mon petit ....... il est genial le mome trop fort thierry tu vas nous manquer
priscou87  2008-02-20 17:22:46

condemoroide, sorry but whatever what you think, what you said IS racism. Yes there are some foreigners, but they ARE French first !


Duration: 02:56 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-30 03:42:41

first attempt at the video


Vlog me.

Duration: 04:14 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-09-25 23:35:53

I'm jumping on the vlog bandwagon and taking my first shot at it!


Heidiscope  2006-11-21 01:07:51

Nice vlog, You don't want to have an accident though!

Re: Lions and Tigers and Wage Slavery, Oh My!

Duration: 06:33 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-20 02:27:06

Just a quick response. obviously some general remarks that would need further qualifying.


fion81  2008-04-05 08:02:58

Oh ive read a ton of ayn rand btw.
soitoldhimno  2008-04-04 22:59:01

I knew that you were a defender of private property, I was only challenging your assertion that it didn't have a philosophical justification, only a practical one. I don't want want to eliminate the public sphere, I just want to limit it to ONLY the protection of rights (military, police, and criminal and civil courts, all controlled by objective law).
fion81  2008-04-04 21:55:37

im a fierce defender of private property. What im talking about isnt the elimination of the private sphere, its just i dont want to eliminate the public sphere entirely either. I tend to favor the liberatarianism on most things.
soitoldhimno  2008-04-04 17:32:34

Youtube messed up my comments a little, so to read them in the correct order, start with "You have interesting ideas...," read the replies to it, and then go back to the top for the last one. Sorry for the length, take it as a compliment. If I thought you were dumb I wouldn't have bothered.
soitoldhimno  2008-04-04 17:30:44

to go. Once you start getting the government involved in business, you replace the "aristocracy" of ability with an aristocracy of pull. This is where lobbyists come from, not the fact that businessmen are "greedy," but the fact that the government has undue powers. You may not completely agree with all of this, but I think that you are intelligent and on the write track. I HIGHLY recommend you read Ayn Rand. I very much liked how concisely you summarized the fallacy of "wage slavery."