Friday, February 22, 2008

Colleen and Professor Korbel I

Duration: 01:10 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-12-19 23:42:22
User: londonembers

young | restless | colleen | professor | korbel 


Colleen and Professor Korbel are trapped in an ice storm together


salsgirl0  2007-01-01 22:32:01

Wish he was ON TOP of me. Sorry , I had to go there.
nunzi1990  2006-12-31 22:07:11

They're such a cute couple:)) SEXXXXXY
SweetyPie427  2006-12-28 23:38:20

They're such a cute couple! I'm so into their storyline right now! I love it!! I want more of the two!! I knew it would happen between the two! Loved this scene!
soaper410  2006-12-28 10:15:57

I flove them! Thanks for posting
kinkyangelkitty  2006-12-27 09:03:49

Thanks so much for posting this


Duration: 03:21 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-14 20:05:42
User: flyawaylove27

F.I.R | KTV | 第十行星 |




tennisbaby1  2007-11-25 10:58:25

love this songg!!!!!!! XD

tokio hotel EPK [speaks english]

Duration: 03:45 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-03 03:57:46
User: lovelykaren00

film |


tokio hotel


laurisangel  2008-02-21 10:20:37

To say Bill talks the most I think Toms english is a little better But there all gr8 at speaking it and I think its realy awsome that there learning for all there fans xD Gustav sounds realy cute speaking it but he hardly ever does :(
snbs4life  2008-01-02 21:14:43

there english has gotten way better
xDREAMAKERx  2007-12-29 06:30:48

flamingpriest  2007-12-05 08:57:49

haha how cute i love them! i think the questions were given in advance and they memorized what they were gonna say in english. i love the effort they put into trying to speak another language... ü

enchanted faeries - kill for satan

Duration: 04:00 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-19 20:51:33
User: 666khaos

grind | faeries | enchanted | satan | kill 


clip from logan's pub, Feb 17, 2007.


sockmatrix  2007-05-08 04:43:01

4 minutes of catchy DEATH METAL!
CoachDanny47  2007-02-20 12:41:40

fuckin awesome band and song


Duration: 03:18 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-08 19:25:46
User: sageofwinds

sage-of-winds | german | shepherd | autumn | fall 


Just me, Sarah, and Max playing in the yard. Right when all of the leaves on my tree is about to fall. Sorry about the video quality....


Firetailedcloud  2007-10-18 21:36:34

Firetailedcloud  2007-10-18 21:34:33

SamusvsChief  2007-10-10 23:59:40

I didn't know you had a youtube account. btw, funny video.
sageofwinds  2007-10-09 08:24:46

lol, thanks ^_^!
varascus1323  2007-10-09 01:12:17

*huge inhale* XD AAAGGGHHHH you all act so cute!!! ...btw sweet shirt ^_^ and cute dog :D

Legend of Zelda CDI: The Triforce of Dinner

Duration: 03:38 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-20 17:55:14
User: xshobux

legend | zelda | cdi | link | impa 


My third Youtube poop. The Triforce of Dinner promises spaghetti will safely return to Hyrule, so Zelda and Impa search for it.


MOTHERofSEPHY  2008-02-10 16:41:03

Zelda laughs like a retard
forlani  2008-01-22 09:35:06

CeruleanWaterDragon  2008-01-08 20:18:15

freeze it at 1:20, it looks like the king is holding an icee!
numbercruncher4000  2007-12-13 18:29:26

flamegirl24  2007-10-07 02:40:38

hey....GREAT JOB!!

Oh Look.. A Creepy House

Duration: 00:50 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-17 23:59:00
User: AndThenSavannah

look | creepy | house | long | beach 


in Long Beach check me deviantart


N33L3SH  2008-02-18 08:10:13

the house gives me the shivers =o
AndThenSavannah  2008-02-18 00:23:01

lol thanks.
Junoluvsu  2008-02-18 00:15:01

COOL HAIR! Creepy house!

2007-08-06 型男大主廚 Junior姑姑 VS 陳志強爸爸 (上)

Duration: 10:34 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-01 10:10:35
User: casper0916

型男大主廚 Junior姑姑 VS 陳志強爸爸



Im not funny

Duration: 02:18 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-08 03:00:15
User: MrISIB

not | funny |


Im not funny


cocacolafresh  2008-02-20 16:02:41

dont worry ur plenty funny, its probably because our "american humor" is a lil different from "chinese humor"
Rigglesworth170  2008-02-16 22:09:51

lol it was so funny ur really funny seriously
Tha0perata  2008-02-16 14:00:35

bahahaha yeah family always there for you lol your sense of humor is off the screen lol keep it up man
dmxpkingmaster  2008-02-16 04:57:50

dude ur so fucking funny its crazy lol u must be or why u have over 1000 subscribers gust keep on be fucking funny
mug100  2008-02-15 22:52:28

wow there mean ue videos own you are funny as hell

SATHYA SAI BABA...His work...Part 1

Duration: 09:30 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-12 06:55:46
User: attractionlaw





revjimbob  2008-01-31 15:22:33

To be accused of illiteracy 3 times by someone who is as incoherent as you is quite amusing. I can show you written testimony by victims of his sexual abuse. I can show you video of his very poor conjuring skills. By the way - if he was ever awarded the Nobel prize he would be unable to attend the award ceremony - the police in Sweden (and Denmark) are very interested in your little pervert regarding sexual abuse allegations. He would be in custody the second he got off the plane.
matchamakala  2008-01-31 13:55:27

abslouti great!!!!!!!!! give them more old man show them how clean is the super power mirror is, may God keep bless BABA and INDIA, Iam not an indian and I am a born moslem, but have not seen one like this old man all my long tired life
matchamakala  2008-01-31 13:52:02

to revjimbob, I just discovered that you are only able to watch vedio but are not able to read or resarch your self claimed remarks, liares, drug freaks and self serving american and english who can not see thier ugly dirity super mighty power, can only throw dirit at what ever clean and holy to cover up thier ugliness, looking into mirrors, go learn how to read firest, what? not even 1st grade rearing ability, look in your bush mirror it looks good for you.
revjimbob  2008-01-28 12:14:33

No, I have not been to India, nor have I met this bozo, but, on the plus side, I have never been the subject of numerous and credible allegations of sexual abuse, unlike yer man. So, he can mafinest his sleight of hands miracles all he likes, and have oral sex with as many pretty teenage western boys as he wants, but charlatan is putting it mildly.
matchamakala  2008-01-27 11:12:35

Thanks 4ur comments,guess u r right, the world is ruled by charlatans, who claim superiority over the world,every were , the difference is who have cared for the misery,suffring of the the world but, fill their pockets of the suffering n misery!!! I guess you have not been to India, neither you've been to see who?s the man, whom you call a charlatan! excuse me,I have not heard about your name or your deeds yet, so I will vote for your nomination. peace to the charlatans of the world