Monday, March 31, 2008

Frank Albiez.LP.Mundial

Duration: 05:34 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-07 09:14:08


2008 OTFA Prep Meet #2 Women's 60m Heat 1

Duration: 00:56 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-04 08:39:41

Shot in High Definition February 3, 2008


AnnaTennis  2008-02-16 18:41:11

i came in third!! yea thats me :)

music room

Duration: 04:27 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-18 22:39:03

enjoy kmi khit sunday



Duration: 02:47 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-04 18:25:06



Bettybeye  2007-05-18 23:50:58

Yeeeeeeeeee (8)I make it rain , i make it rain on them HOEZZ i make it rain....(8) Oops.......!!
Collio951  2007-03-25 14:44:32

These guys r awesome! I want more!

Re: Hi Trevor!!!!

Duration: 03:17 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-03 16:50:17

Video Cam Direct Upload


LTflames  2007-08-07 06:50:08

lol dude its me you kno , but i dont know wut ur talking about ill have to check. i told you my videos right or did you add me then look? well dude hi i miss you guys too

cap does thrilla

Duration: 00:14 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-12 03:29:43

pat cap being a stoned idiot lol



Duration: 03:30 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-25 12:05:36

Test to mix Animated cartoon with Live Action


distorteddogma  2008-02-29 20:13:49

Mixing live action and animation is quite a step. Nice job. Be Well.
AlteredEgo100  2008-01-28 12:40:42


31W "On The Road Tour" Sketchies 2 Entry

Duration: 02:23 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-02 17:35:55

This is Version 1 of our contest entry (re-edit). We found out about the contest wrote a script in 15 minutes and filmed this in 3 hours. ENJOY! If we make it into the top 20 voting begins to narrow down the next 10 on March 13th. if you like the video you should vote at:


BigpimpinD  2008-03-04 20:10:38

"Hey, you got insurance?" lol line! good job, like the new ending!

Random AMV: What Trees Reach For

Duration: 03:49 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-22 19:56:41

I didnt make this video, MagicianCelemis did with my supervising and permisson from kris-wilson. MagicianCelemis account: kris-wilson account: full verison of song: Thank you kris-wilson!!!


ObanStarRacer  2008-02-06 08:22:42

Yeh...i saw that one i edited for suiseiseki. @.@;;
WannabeManga  2008-01-23 21:27:34

Yep! thank you too!
dattebayoYEAH  2008-01-23 18:46:57

ohhh! i remember this song was from kris-wilson's gallery huh? nice video X3
WannabeManga  2008-01-22 21:29:47

Thank you! your the first viewer and commenter! thanks! :D
starfox819  2008-01-22 20:43:47

good job as all ways im glad u made a new video but shouldnt u put a different music lol jk well good job..... frist in line lol

SAU i Luz Casal - Boig per Tu (Concert de Mitjanit - 1992)

Duration: 05:22 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-08-21 09:14:19

Concert a la Plac,a de Braus Monumental de Barcelona, el juliol de 1992, enregistrat per a l'album "Concert de mitjanit". En aquest concert hi van col.laborar Dani Nel.lo, Carles Segarra, Phil Manzanera, Robbie Robertson i Luz Casal. - A la terra humida escric nena estic boig per tu, em passo els dies esperant la nit. Com et puc estimar si de mi estas tan lluny; servil i acabat boig per tu. Se molt be que des d'aquest bar jo no puc arribar on ets tu, pero dins la meva copa veig reflexada la teva llum, me la beure; servil i acabat boig per tu. Quan no hi siguis al mati, les llagrimes es perdran entre la pluja que caura avui. Em quedare atrapat ebri d'aquesta llum servil i acabat boig per tu. Se molt be que des d'aquest bar jo no puc arribar on ets tu, pero dins la meva copa veig reflexada la teva llum, me la beure; servil i acabat boig per tu.


orzhov1986  2008-03-29 11:15:37

Tots els qui estem enamorats, ens porta records o ens fa enrecordar-nos d'algú especial. És una obra mestra!!!
pepeporno  2008-03-25 18:59:51

Una canço que no et deixa indiferent sigui com sigui el teu estat d'anim sempre et fa sentir alguna cosa de les historiques de la musica catalana i que amb els anys encara sera mes important records a tots!!!
pableras18  2008-03-24 17:35:33

la mejor cancion en catalan es muy sentimental
sheilagn  2008-03-19 16:47:50

Waaaaw quin sentit!! no sabía que estava dedicada a la lluna!! qué genial, qué genial!!!
angpoz64  2008-03-16 05:57:44

Servil i boig per tú Cristina