Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Pokemon Wifi Battle #68: Ali vs. Vincents (Battle 2)

Duration: 06:51 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-06 21:05:22

Social Experiment #5! This is the 2nd battle against Vincents. I used the social experiment team this team, but they failed again. Good game, Vincents. I don't know what the music is. Got it from my friend, Break. P.S. The social experiment team is a team designed to make snorlax and blissey feel useless.


doctorken2k  2008-02-16 13:57:40

Take that up with him.
breaktube  2008-02-16 13:09:29

why can't i select the music anymore ?? * thelax has my DVD with my good music on it * anyhow...i got my new video uploaded!!
doctorken2k  2008-02-10 23:52:32

Don't worry about him. Just a little friendly rivarly going on there, but I needed a song and couldn't find anything else.
VincentsZydane  2008-02-10 22:23:52

LOL but i ahve to agree. choose your own music man, I don't think I like this stuff much. Hope to have a battle again soon against your new team though!
doctorken2k  2008-02-09 18:33:29

No. What's with you. I was testing out of a team. Why aren't you battling anymore. I had the game before you did. You are my associate. Don't forget that.

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